The Herald is McCormick's student-run e-paper (aka blog). In The Herald, you’ll find articles, pictures, opinion pieces, and information about educational programs, jobs, scholarships, and upcoming McCormick events. The Herald also serves as a platform for students and student advocacy groups to express their questions, concerns, and excitement about all things McCormick, ministry, and life.

This year, The Herald will also be broadcasting announcements via McCormick's digital announcement board, located near the bathrooms on the first floor. You can also find us on Facebook ( and follow us on Twitter (@mccormickherald).

Note: The views in articles, blog posts, and opinion pieces are specific to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of McCormick Theological Seminary or The Herald.

How to submit to The Herald (blog)

If you have an article, announcement, editorial, picture, video, etc., email it to the The Herald at

All articles and editorials should be submitted as word documents. All graphics and pictures should be submitted as JPEG files. PDFs will not be accepted.

How to submit to The Herald (digital announcement board)

The digital announcement board is for announcements and flyers. All announcements and flyers should be submitted as JPEG files and sent to The Herald at

Submission Deadline and Editors’ Discretion

The Herald is published on Wednesdays, excluding school breaks and J-term, during the academic year. The submission deadline is Monday at noon.

Please note that all submissions to The Herald are subject to editorial review. The Herald reserves the right to edit, change, and/or add additional material, including graphics, to published submissions without written notice. All open letters, editorials, and opinion pieces must be signed and include an email address at which the author(s) can be reached. No anonymous pieces will be published.

Interested in writing or taking pictures for The Herald?
Contact us at