“And the twelve called together the whole community of the disciples and said, ‘It is not right that we should neglect the word of God in order to wait at tables.Therefore, friends, select from among yourselves seven men of good standing, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we may appoint to this task, while we, for our part, will devote ourselves to prayer and to serving the word.’”
- Acts 6:1-4
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"Kickball. I means what could better unify a community and bring joy to a studious bunch of seminerds like kickball could?" |
When we were divvying up responsibilities amongst the Deacons for the new semester last year, one area remained untouched. The stars aligned. One could even go so far as to say this was a “calling from on high.” I was blessed with the responsibility for recreational activities amongst our community. This meant two things to me. One: my job was intended to bring joy and smiling faces to the community= awesome job component. And two: kickball. I mean what could better unify a community and bring joy to a studious bunch of us seminerds like kickball could?
Of course, as Deacons, we pray for you, provide group and individual guidance where needed, try to bake you lots of cookies during finals, etc, but this spring (hopefully Chicago will cooperate with us better), you really should try this kickball cure-all for your stressful seminary studies.
After kickball, need I say more??? Yes, a little more about us… the Board of Deacons is an elected group of students whose, “scope of concerns includes the emotional and spiritual well-being of students and their families.” There are three representatives from each class who serve what we call a Hesed group. Soon and very soon, each student will know exactly who their Deacon is so that they know who to go to with joys, concerns, financial constraints, a strong desire for a cup of coffee, and so on. But look below at the list, and you are free to approach any one of us. We are here for you! Please let us know if there is something we can be praying about or working on for you, or if there are suggestions about how to foster an even better community of support at McCormick.
And dear, dear first years, please consider serving as a Deacon yourself, or nominating those who you think could represent you on the Deacon board. We will start the nomination process on September 12th, and voting will be the following week. It’s a great way to be involved in the spiritual nurturing of this community, and lest you forget, WE PLAY KICKBALL AND BAKE COOKIES! I challenge you to find an offer more fun.
- Lora Burge (co-moderator): lburge@go.mccormick.edu
- Shelley Donaldson (co-moderator): sdonaldson@go.mccormick.edu
- Matthew Ploeger: mploeger@go.mccormick.edu
- Jesus Marquez: jmarquez@go.mccormick.edu
- Deanna Drake: ddrake@go.mccormick.edu
Questions? Want to join in on the fun? Email us at: deacons@go.mccormick.edu.
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