Monday, October 3, 2011

Tips for Interfaith Organizing

By: Melvina Stemley

General Tips for Developing an Action Plan For Interfaith Organizing       
(adapted from the IFYC's Interfaith Leader's Toolkit)               

Photo credit: aflcio,
1. Build a steering committee or core group of leaders. This requires in-person meetings and relationship building.

2. Network and get to know your community: Who are your allies? What resources do they have? (churches and community groups, etc)

3. Decide on an event: try to pick an issue or topic that reflects shared values and common ground. Why kind of event would be most effective in your  community or church. (The event should be engaging and draw people in)

4. Use storytelling as a tool: to engage the religious diversity in the room and start dialogue. What's your story? Why is it important to you? How does it connect to your religious or philosophical beliefs? What texts from your faith tradition inspire you?
Photo credit: Omar A.,

5. Keep a record of your planning and logistics to use as a reference for future events.

6. Make time for your own self growth and the growth of your core team. Make relationship building and dialogue a priority in your meetings,and consider having smaller dialogues with just the leaders. Get to know your own story better and the story of your team members.

Speak up and get involved! 
Think, pray and plan effective programs to assist others as we work together within our faith community for a better today!
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