Tuesday, April 9, 2013

alternative epistemologies

alternative epistemologies

(+ social hour 6-7pm) 
Swift Lecture Hall, 3rd floor

Dr. Emilie Townes 
"The Womanist Dancing Mind"

Preeminent womanist ethicist, former president of the AAR, and current president of the Society for the Study of Black Religion, Dr. Emilie Townes will speak on womanist epistemology, drawing from the first chapter of her book Womanist Ethics and the Cultural Production of Evil, in which she sets the epistemological premises for her ethical arguments. 

Alternative Epistemologies is a student-led initiative inspired by the idea we are impoverished as human beings and scholars by our tendency to forget or devalue ways of knowing other than the cerebral. We hope to provide a public space for conversations about “other ways of knowing,” as well as how discursive knowing and articulating might be enriched, expanded, deepened and illuminated by other ways of knowing.

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