Tuesday, April 2, 2013

CPE Experience

Dear McCormick community:
I wanted to share with you my positive CPE residency experience at Cincinnati Children's in Cincinnati, Ohio.  I am currently a little over halfway done with my residency.  The residency has been an intense experience.  It has also been a nourishing experience--more so than I anticipated it could be. 

Having a special place in my heart for McCormick students I wanted to promote this residency.  It is solid.  I also fell upon this residency almost by accident.  Therefore I am being intentional about promoting this residency to quality people.  Below are some new video links that tell the story of CCHMC's CPE residency program.  The videos also serve as useful tools in explaining what CPE is to someone who may not know.  Let me know if you have any issues with the link or questions in general about the residency.

All the Best to you and yours,
Sarah Davelaar (Otieno)

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