Thursday, April 25, 2013

Young Adults invited to participate in delegation to Palestine & Israel

The Presbyterian Peace Fellowship is seeking passionate young adults with a commitment to justice and peacemaking to participate in delegation to Palestine and Israel in January 2014.

Have you ever expressed interested in visiting the Holy Land? Have you heard about the conflict in Palestine and Israel and have felt the desire to learn more? Are you familiar with the situation but want to see if for yourself?  If you answered yes to any of these questions then this trip is for you.

Join the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship delegation January 3rd-17th for the opportunity to learn about the situation in Israel and Palestine directly.  Participants will experience the realities of life in the Holy Land – the occupation, settlements, and peace efforts – by meeting with those living there.  Delegates will meet with a few of the almost 250 Israeli and Palestinian peace groups and visit the holy sites in Bethlehem, Jerusalem, and the Galilee.

Those who attend will be expected to be ambassadors for justice at the mid-June 2014 General Assembly in Detroit. Additionally, participants will be asked to make a commitment to work as advocates for the end of the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and control of the Gaza Strip, and for security for both Israelis and Palestinians.

The Presbyterian Peace Fellowship was blessed with a grant to help support travel for young adults to the Holy Land, therefore a large portion of this delegation will be subsidized. Funds are also available for participants' GA expenses.

For more information please visit here or

Application due June 1, 2013.

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